Yoga & Hair Health

Yoga & Exercise for Healthy Hair

People at a young age now are facing hair problems due to many factors, such as an unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestlye and stress due to overwork or overthinking. These factors are majorly responsible for hair fall and hair thinning concerns in young adults of all genders.

In such a scenario, it becomes very important to practice Yoga, Meditation and Exercise, in order to maintain good body health as well as healthy & rich hair. It is crucial to understand that Yoga can certainly help in getting the best hair health. Regular practice of Yoga removes toxins in the body and maintain hormones to keep those organs healthy which inturn keep your hair healthy.

Yoga is the Key to Good Hair Health

It is very important to understand that YOGA can certainly help you in getting the best hair health. Though most people do not pay the desired attention to YOGA for hair health, but it is scientifically proven that with regular practice of certain Yoga asanas, the hair health becomes significantly better.

yoga to healthy hair

Any Yoga Asana which can stimulate the blood supply and circulation to the head (Scalp) will benefit the hair health. There are many asanas which can help in maintaining good hair health, therefore reducing hair fall and enabling growth.

The most promising and the best yoga asanas for natural hair growth & healthy hair are;

1. Sarvanga Asana

2. Shirshasana

3. Vajrasana

4. Pawanmukhta Asana

5. Uttrasana

6. Pranayaam

Counter Stress-related Hair Fall with Yoga & Meditation

Yoga asanas help reduce the stress level and anxiety, which affects the hair health positively. Since stress is one of the leading issues in this generation, it is important to practice Yoga and meditation everyday. The Balayam Asana can also be performed to reduce hair fall.

Practicing Yoga Asana on a daily basis helps enhance the blood circulation to your head (scalp), thereby helping the hair follicles to get activated and stimulated. Regularly doing Yoga Asana also helps in removing toxins from the body, while maintaining the body hormones to keep those organs healthy which lead to healthy hair.

To sum-up, Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily (brisk walk , stretching and breathing exercises, or Yoga), Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours (7 hours for people above the age of 35 years), and do not Overstress yourself. All of this is a must for proper blood circulation in the scalp and to strengthen your hair follicles.

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